Superpower: Reincarnation
It’s been a while, yes? So, long story.
The funny thing about being a writer - okay, one of the funny things - is where our words come from. It’s a common question I get asked: “where do your ideas come from?”, and I’ve addressed aspects of that here in this blog, but sometimes writing feels a bit more like a big fruit tree I’ve got in my back yard (a metaphorical fruit tree: as far as I know, I don’t have those in my yard anymore). Depending on the seasons and the weather, the soil, pests and so forth, you may have a pretty sparse tree - leaves? Sure. Branches? Why not. But fruit? Sometimes, that cupboard is bare.
Other years, the branches sway towards the ground under the weight of their fruit.
Well, my friends, it’s been a bit of a long, dry, season. I lent my hand towards a … (gasp) job, and as fun as that was, it was time to come back to my roots.
Okay, I can’t promise I’m not gonna lean into more agricultural metaphors, so just let that go for now, please.
I’ve had a couple writing projects wilt on the vine (told you), while a few more are seeming to take root and show promise. I’m also exploring some new partnerships while I prepare to close out some old ones. Bittersweet is the flavor of my soul, I suppose. But for now, here’s what I can share:
First, Book 3 of Tales of the Dead Man: Sea & Shadows is still in the pipeline. I’ve had to take a step back and review my plans and the outline, and I’m VERY excited (and a bit shook) at where this final book is going. And yes, I said “final book”. The notion of a Trilogy focusing on Favo Carr, resident dead man, was always intended to be a three book series, and writing such a big character’s conclusion is something I take very seriously, and I’m confident you’ll appreciate the plan for his big sendoff. Don’t worry, no spoilers. Maybe 3 people in the whole world know the ending, and I’ve sworn them to secrecy.
Second, Tales of the Dead Man: the whole series - I’ve got a few plans to celebrate the big launch of book 3, including art and swag. Feel free to chime in with the kinds of things you’d like to see - t-shirts, bookmarks, key rings, etc? Let me know below!
Third, Chronicles of Aesirium - Special Editions: this is something I’ve been toying with for a long time. The original launches were lovely, but there are things I’ve always wanted to include - interior art, maps, appendices and the like. Also, I’ve always been on the fence about the 6-book series being re-converted to a trilogy. Series poetry, that sort of thing. Also, I’m going to look into building proper collector’s editions: hard bound tomes that the stories deserve. More to come on that.
Fourth, Princess Peanut, Be Polite - my children’s book is going back into the vault, and this was my biggest heartbreak of publishing for the year. The story theme is just not quite aligned with my brain now - there are elements of the story which might have been fine back when the story was originally written (20 years ago), but now just isn’t quite where I want it to be. Additionally, changes to POD sizing and formats have made the book as it is currently produced impossible to go forward. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of it, but for now I’ve got to lick my wounds and explore other options.
Fifth, Harrison Heights (collection) - an idea I’d had during COVID finally is taking some substantial shape. I’ve got the stories sketched out, and several of them are already written. Also, the cover and interior design has been fleshed out, and it’s going to be exciting to provide updates as we get closer to launch. I’d hoped for a Halloween launch, but there’s too much left to do for that to be possible.
Lastly, What’s Next?
In the world of meatspace, I’m going to be looking into a couple of more personal projects, dealing with my own family and chronicling the histories of some of my relatives who have had amazing lives and at the very least deserve a tome of their own.
And in the world of fiction, my next series is taking some wonderful shape. It’s a bit early to give too many details, but the short version is that it’s going to be emerging from speculative fiction, paranormal and the modern day. Also, it’s going to take place right here in the Pacific Northwest. So, finally I can tell all those Starbucks and Star Wars jokes in a way that won’t be quite so subtle.
I feel like I should probably apologize for that in advance, but, nah. It would be weird if I didn’t, right?
Okay, so enough updates. Time to work. Let’s do this!